With Ludo, you’ll play a collection of short social games designed to help you better connect and communicate with your coworkers.

Enjoy getting to know one another at your own pace.

Let’s play one of our games


In “Office Wolf”, your town has been infiltrated by werewolves who look just like your coworkers.

Claw marks
Each night, the wolves eliminate one townsperson, before returning to their human form.
To survive, and win, the townspeople must use their precious day time to find and eliminate the wolves.
Scroll down to see HOW TO PLAY
How to Play
Get your role.
You will be given a role but no one else knows what you are!
Ow 1
During the day,
Townspeople must try to vote out the wolves.
Pay attention! The wolves are voting too.
Ow 2
Each night,
the wolves will eat a townsperson.
Only the doctor can save you!
Ow 3
During the day,
Townspeople must try to vote out the wolves.
Pay attention! The wolves are voting too.
Ow 4
During the day,
Townspeople must try to vote out the wolves.
Pay attention! The wolves are voting too.
Ow 5